In this
article, we will study how the brain is linked with the control of the
heartbeat. Indeed, we all have already noticed that our heart has not the same
rhythm when we are sleeping than when we are doing a physical activity.
Nonetheless, this control of the heart rate occurs even if we don’t want to or
even if we don’t think about it. Then our will has no link with this control
and it is not a reflex either because if the heart rate increases or decreases,
it is in fact in response to a physiologic demand from the organism. So we want
to understand how the nervous system can act according to the circumstances,
and to do so, we will study the autonomic nervous system because it controls
this unconscious mechanism.
To begin
with, we discovered that in embryonic stages, the heart is created from the
third to the seventh week. Its rhythm is 90 beats per minutes and at this
stage, the nervous cells multiply but they are linked neither each other nor to
the heart.
At the end of
the third month, all the organs are correctly placed and the nervous system
takes the control of the heart.
someone who undergo a cardiac transplant and whom heart has been disconnected
from the nervous system, has a heart rate of 100 beats per minutes (either
during an activity or at rest).
These two
examples show that the “ordinary” frequency is about 90 or 100 beats per
minutes when the brain does not control the heartbeat.
the nervous system is essential to the heart because it permits to adapt the
cardiac rhythm according to the energetic demand of the organism. Indeed, when
we sleep, the frequency goes down until 50 beats per minutes whereas during a
physical effort (or because of the stress), it can go up to 180 beats per
In 1921,
Loewi created an experiment based on an isolated heart which showed the role of
the brain on the heart rate. In fact, the scientist immersed two frog hearts in
two jars filled with a liquid and related each other by a pipe in order to let
the liquid of the first jar go into the second jar. Then, Loewi stimulated the
vagus nerve of the first heart whom heart rate slowed down. He also observed
that the heartbeat of the second heart decreased too (whereas its vagus nerve
has not been stimulated). Loewi deduced that the cardiac rhythm is controlled
by a chemical substance (which was in the liquid) which is secreted by the
vagus nerve. Therefore, this experiment shows that the nervous system controls
the cardiac rhythm thanks to chemical secretions.
In addition,
we discovered the two main molecules which control the heart rate: noradrenalin
and acetylcholine.
The first one
is a neurotransmitter which takes part to the first subsystem of the autonomic
nervous system: the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, the noradrenalin is
released when the sympathetic fibers are stimulated and its effect is
excitatory: it permits to accelerate the cardiac rhythm. Thus, the sympathetic
system takes part in case of physical activity (in this case the organism needs
more energy and oxygen so it is essential that the heart rate increases to
respond to the need). It intervenes also when we are stressed (in this case,
the adrenalin, which is a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla, plays the
same role than the noradrenalin on the cardiac rhythm since it has a
sympathomimetic action. However, if it has the same role than the noradrenalin
[an inotropic and chronotropic effect], the adrenalin (blog adrenalin) is not a neurotransmitter
because it is not secreted in a synapse. Indeed, it is secreted in the blood and
it amplifies the noradrenalin effect when it reaches the heart).
The second
molecule, the acetylcholine; takes part to the second subsystem of the
autonomic nervous system: the parasympathetic nervous system. This system has
an effect rather opposed to the previous system since it has an inhibitory
effect. The noradrenalin is a neurotransmitter which permits to decrease the
cardiac rate and it is secreted when the parasympathetic nerve (or vagus nerve)
is stimulated. Hence the parasympathetic system intervenes for example when we
are sleeping, or when the body is immersed (indeed, the heartbeat slows down in
order to preserve the oxygen to stay longer in the water), or when the arterial
pressure is too high (the baroreceptors of the carotid sinus stimulate the
parasympathetic center and this release the acetylcholine which decreases the
heart rate).
Despite the
fact that we have seen that the heart beats at 90-100 beats per minutes without
the intervention of the nervous system, the average frequency is 70-75 beats
per minutes. This diminution of 20% is due to the fact that actually, the brain
never stops to control the heart. Indeed, the parasympathetic and sympathetic
systems send impulses to the sinoatrial node without stopping and since the
parasympathetic fibers send more impulses, the heartbeat is globally
decelerated (in comparison to what it should be). We call this phenomenon the
vagal tone because it is due to the vagus nerve.
All these examples permit us to understand that the cardiac control
is governed by the brain which never stops to control the heart (either while
we are sleeping or while a physical activity).
Heart rate is regulated by the autonomic
nervous system which occurs
unconsciously, but this
control requires the coordination of several actors. In fact, the first are the
receptors (baro-chemoreceptors) which capture the blood pressure variations or
the blood composition (When its parameters values are too far from its
references values because of the situation or the external environment).
Then, the information which is received by the
receptor is transmitted to the nervous system thanks to the sensory nerve
fibers (which are the Hering nerves and Cyon-Ludwig nerves for the sinus and
the cardiovascular fibers for the right auricle).
This information is transmitted to
the parasympathetic nervous system or to the sympathetic nervous system. It
depends on the situation. The parasympathetic nervous system is located in the medulla oblongata.
It’s the “inhibitory” system. The second is located in the spinal cord. It’s
the “excitory” system.
Between these two nervous centers,
there are inhibitory neurons which weaken one of the two systems when the other
is stimulated.
Then, the nervous center analyzes the received information and sends a
response to the target tissues by the intermediate of the motor nerve fibers
(which are in the vagus nerve and the cardiac nerve. The first are connected to
the sinus node and the second to the ventricle).
The blood pressure stimulation involves the sympathetic nervous system with the
aortic and carotid baro-receptor, the bulbar center, effectors organs (here the
heart) and vessels. When the heart needs to be stimulated, the sympathetic
nervous system releases noradrenalin which will fix to the myocardial ß1
receptors. This fixing activates the adenylyl cyclase which
causes an increase of AMPc and this leads to the activation of the kinase
protein. This kinase protein will increase the Ca2+ cell permeability and the Ca2+
will enter plentifully in the “sarcoplasma”. Then, the Ca2+
will bind with the troponin, and this protein complex changes its physical
structure to allow the bond between the myosin heads and actin. This bond
activates the mechanism of the contractility. That’s why the systolic ejection
volume increases (heart rate and strength of ventricular contraction are
increasing so the heart pumps more blood).
The contractility is determinated by
the cardiac capacity to supply a given pressure.
That’s why if the strength and heart
rate increase, the heart will manage a higher pressure and pump a greater blood
The intervention of the parasympathetic system
isn’t the same that the sympathetic system because the parasympathetic and the
sympathetic innervations are different. Indeed, the parasympathetic is linked
to the auricles and the nodal tissue whereas the sympathetic is linked to the
auricles, the nodal tissue and the ventricles.
To conclude, this explains why when you burn
yourself, your heart rate increases in few milliseconds.